New Age Investment Products to Grow & Protect Your Wealth
Why do you need to upgrade your Investment Strategy?
Purchasing power of ₹100 in 1958 has fallen down to mere ₹1.2
in 2020!
You need your money to grow with time

Traditional asset allocation for Indian Households
Lower investments in financial assets has been an impediment to India's economic growth
Indicative Returns on New Age Financial Investments
Gold & Real Estate are not the only asset classes you can invest in!
Why Richfield?
We at Richfield Fintech are here to help you make wise decisions with your money and help avoid blocking them in non-earning asset classes.
It is unfortunate that Indians have pooled more than 90% of their money in Low-Yielding asset classes like Real Estate (less than 4% yields) and Gold (which is not just a non-earning asset but also detrimental to our economy). Do not be deceived by the current surge in gold prices post-covid since these are temporary cycles wherein the entire world wants to park money in safer asset classes like Gold and AAA Debt Instruments.
Portfolio Management is all about having a mix of all asset classes in the right proportions depending upon various factors like Age, Disposable Income, Number of Dependents, Risk Appetite, etc. and the USP of Richfield Fintech is to introduce Indian Households to those unique asset classes which have been around them but most are either too scared to invest considering knowledge flow is not appropriate, or are unable to give appropriate time towards managing their wealth creation.
The dual advantage that distinguishes us from other wealth managers in the industry is that we have a team of not just CFAs but also CAs and can give you a Detailed Post-Tax Analysis of all the products in our basket along-with the legal repercussions of the same.
Investment Avenues
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